Provider’s Administration and Training
PRIOR to caring for children, a Provider must complete:

- A recognized HOME CHILD CARE BASED TRAINING. A provider with equivalent training may be exempt from corresponding provider training.
- Eight (8) hours of pre-service training that covers the agency policies and procedure and the requirements of the Ministry of Education’s Child Care and Early Years Act.
- Standard First Aid Certification (two full days) including infant and child CPR issued by a training agency recognized by the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board that must be updated every 3 years (CCEYA, Section 58 (2) & (3) *
*Where a person is not able to obtain the standard first aid certification with infant and child CPR due to a disability, the agency must request an exemption letter from the Ministry director and retain the letter on file for review (CCYEA, Section 58 (2) & (3))