
1. Child Care and Early Years Act, 2014
In Ontario, child care providers must follow the rules set out in the Child Care and Early Years Act, 2014 (CCEYA) and its regulations. The act helps ensure the health and safety of children and child care providers in child care settings. It is a helpful resource and guidance for Home Child Care providers to stay in compliance.
2. Building on how does learning happen
This guidance document supports the operation of early years and child care programs in Ontario during the COVID-19covid 19 outbreak. It provides information on how early years settings can support the social and emotional health and wellbeing of children and families, in addition to safe and healthy environments.
3. York Region – Children Services
York Region offers programs, subsidies, resources and information for parents and child care providers to ensure that children remain active and participate in recreational programs. Follow the link below to visit the website:
4. York Region – Public Health
York Region Public Health helps residents stay healthy at all ages and stages. With evidence-based public health programs and services, York Region prevents diseases, supports child development, protects resident safety and promotes healthy lifestyles. There are also regular updates on COVID-19. Please follow the link below for more information:
5. York Region – Child Care Fee Subsidy Information
Below is the information on Child Care Fee Subsidy Application Process
6. Child care information for parents
York Region’s Early Years Program Finder allows parents and caregivers to search for licensed child care centres, family drop-in programs and EarlyON Child and Family Centres in York Region. For more information please follow the link below:
7. Early Intervention Services
York Region Early Intervention Services (EIS) delivers programs that support families who have children with special needs in their homes or licensed child care settings. The years between birth and school-entry are critical to a child’s development. Studies have shown that intervening in a child’s development early has a much greater impact than doing so at a later stage. York Region Early Intervention Services assists children and their families in this important period. For more information please see the link below:
8. Kids Line
Families in York Region who have questions about early learning and child care can call the toll-free KIDS Line 1-888-703-KIDS (5437). For more information please see the link below:
9. Red Flag Guide
Red Flags is a quick reference tool to assist early years and health care professionals in knowing when and where to refer children from birth to the age of six years for whom there are potential health, growth and development concerns. Red Flags will assist professionals in identifying when children could be at risk of not meeting their expected health outcomes or developmental milestones. It also includes other areas that may impact child health, growth and development due to the dynamics of parent-child interaction, such as maternal mental illness and abuse.
10. Nutrition for Child Care Centres
York Region offers a variety of child care nutrition programs and services. Serving nutritious meals to infants, toddlers, preschoolers and school-age children provides them with the necessary nourishment and energy to live a healthy life. The foods you choose to serve to children help them form lifelong healthy eating habits. For more information please visit the link below: